March 18, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Using Your Computer To Help Find A Solution For COVID-19

The COVID19 situation had me thinking, isn't there something I can do to help that doesn't involve human to human contact? Turns out there is... and it's really interesting and informative. It's called protein folding. It's a computational biology project currently being used on many issues like Ebola, Zika, and Parkinson's. Now it's also being used on the COVID-19 virus, and you can help them do it faster with distributed computing. It's called Folding At Home.

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January 15, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Tutorial: How To Make Autodesk Maya Automatically Execute a Script When an Attribute Changes with scriptJob and scriptNode.

Making Maya automatically execute a script when an attribute changes is not as straightforward as it would seem. Getting a scriptJob to work when referenced was even more difficult and confusing as someone new to Python. It took me quite a bit of digging to get things to work, so I figured I'd share my finding to make it easier on the next person.

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September 25, 2019Comments are off for this post.

6 Common Marketing Scenarios That Benefit From Computer Graphics

Most understand Computer Graphics (CG) as a Hollywood tool, but not for corporations. I thought it may be helpful to explain some simple real-world scenarios of CG usage in marketing without the technicalities.

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January 5, 2018Comments are off for this post.

My Top 8 Notes From Going Solo in 2017

In 2017, I left the agency nest to fly solo.  Since then, the year has covered the spectrum of emotion, tasks, challenges and wins.  While thinking of it all, I started to write some thoughts down to potentially help those considering doing the same for themselves.  Many folks offered advice to me while I was in this stage and I'd like to pay it forward if possible.  Finding someone to talk to about this stuff isn't easy.  After all, there is no Startups Anonymous ....though that is a great idea!

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August 31, 2017Comments are off for this post.

3D Studio Max 2018.2 | New Spline Tools

Recently Autodesk pushed the Max 2018.2 Update which includes a bunch of bug fixes and new spline tools.  I decided to see how practical these may be and figure out how they work. I'll investigate each of these tools, skipping what should be obvious to keep it brief and informative. Read more

March 7, 2017Comments are off for this post.

Why I Left Thumbtack for Upwork

What is Thumbtack?

I actually really love the idea of Thumbtack.  It is in business with a very simple idea: Connect people with the service providers they're looking for.

The hunt is almost harder than the work sometimes... so this sounds like a dream for freelancers.  I suppose it could be if you were just starting out, but it was not for me.  I monitored the system for about 6 months before bailing.  Spent $120 on credits and didn't get any work out of it.  I feel it is not the right tool for my industry.  Perhaps finding a plumber or a painter is a little more appropriate from within Thumbtack. Read more